Sep 6, 2008

Late Summer Special - Tomatoes

This recipe is a no brainer. It isn't so much the recipe I wanted to share, but my favorite late summer sandwich. Home grown tomatoes make amazing tomato sandwiches (or BLTs, Eric's favorite). Our tomato crop was plentiful this year, despite the late start (June 10th or so). We had an abundance of rain this year which caused some of my plants to rot in some spots. But it also meant I only had to water my plants twice this whole summer! Thank you Mother Nature.

If you have never tasted a tomato that turned ripe on the vine, you are in for a treat. Store bought tomatoes have no taste really. They are picked green and ripen while shipping. DO NOT try to make a sandwich from those - you will be sorely disappointed. If you have the room, try planting a tomato plant or two next summer. You can really be low maintenance (like myself) and still enjoy red deliciousness come late summer.

There are so many different kinds. In 2007 I planted an heirloom variety that did not produce a lot of fruit, but when it did oh my! They were almost purple the red was so dark. Yum. This year we planted just regular Big Boys I believe. They are pretty good, but others are better. We were limited because of our late start. I do suggest when you plant your tomatoes, bury them until you see only a few inches left sticking out of the ground. This ensures VERY deep roots, which means you'll get fruit earlier in the season. I also suggest planting in early May, depending on your location. In the "Nor-East" we aren't usually free from frost until then, which is what you want to be careful of. If a late frost threatens your green beauties, cover them in plastic for the night. So I hope you were inspired to plant a tomato plant next year. And for the grand finally...

The Simple Summer Tomato Sandwich

Two pieces of toasted whole wheat bread (the real stuff - no colored white bread here)
1 tomato sliced thickly
MAYO a-plenty (or Miracle Whip I guess... If you like that sort of thing)

Generously spread Mayo on toast. Top with as much tomato as you think you can politely get into your mouth. Enjoy... Yum...
Oh yes, repeat every day at lunch until you can't look at a tomato until next year's crop.

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